Introduction to Databases (Part 1)

Original Post Date: 25 Jan 2019


So, I’m taking a course from Stanford’s online Lagunita titled Databases, the self-paced series. the Databases course is comprised of 14 “mini-courses.” It is up to the learner which mini-courses to take, and you are welcome to mix and match. However, they do give suggestions on which set of mini-courses to take, depending on what your goals are:

  • Do you just want to learn the bare basics and start doing SQL? Take their Practical Relational Databases and SQL pathway, which suggests two core mini-courses.

  • Do you want to just learn about semistructured data? Take the Semistructured Data pathway, which suggests the XML DATA and JSON DATA mini-courses.

  • Do you want the full database course? Take all of the mini-courses!

Personally, I’m following their Relational Databases and SQL: Foundations and Practice pathway, which includes:

  • Introduction and Relational Databases (the topic of this post)
  • Relational Algebra
  • SQL
  • Relational Design Theory
  • Unified Modeling Language (UML)
  • Indexes and Transactions
  • Constraints and Triggers
  • Views and Authorization
  • On-line Analytical Processing
  • Recursion in SQL

I’m going to give a bunch of bullet points and notes about what I’ve learned. Here we go!

Introduction and Relational Databases

  • DBMS stands for Database Management System. They are:
    • Massive: On the scale of terabytes of data, daily
    • Persistent: Your data continues to exist after the programs have done executing upon it
    • Safe: Will survive through soft/hardware issues, won’t cease to exist in power outages, resists malicious users
    • Multi-User: Many users can access and change the data concurrently
    • Convenient: Physical data independence, accessed by high level languages in a declarative way
    • Efficient: Can handle thousands of updates a second. “Performance, performance, performance.”
    • Reliable: You better have 99.9999% uptime!

Course Caveats

  • Database application frameworks and middleware will not be discussed in the course.
  • Not all data-intensive apps use DBMS (they can use text files, spreadsheets, etc.)

Key Concepts

  1. Data Model: Thought of as a set of records, XML, graph, etc.
  2. Schema vs. Data
    • Schema sets up structure of the database: set up in the beginning, doesn’t change much
    • Data is the actual data values in the schema: changes rapidly
  3. Data Definition Language (DDL): Used to set up the schema
  4. Data Manipulation Language (DML): After schema is set up, DML is used to query and modify the database

Key People

  1. DBMS Implementer: Builds the system, not the focus of the course
  2. Database Designer: Establishes the schema for the database. Can get very complicated
  3. Database Application Developer: Makes programs that operate on the database
  4. Database Administrator:
    • Loads the data, gets the database running, and keeps it running
    • Manages tuning parameters
    • For large deployments, is the most important person in the entire process

The Relational Model

  • Popular
  • Simple
  • Queried with high-level languages
  • Efficient


  • A database is defined as a set of relations (or tables)
  • Each relation has a set of named attributes (or columns)
  • Each tuple (or row) has a value for each attribute
  • Each attribute has a domain (or type)
    • Integers, strings, etc.
  • Schema: Structural description of relations in database
  • Instance: Actual contents at given point in time
  • NULL: Special value for something unknown or undefined
    • Be careful when running queries over NULL values
  • Key: Attribute of a relation where every value for that attribute is unique
    • Ex: Student IDs at a college, Social Security numbers, etc.
    • A set of attributes whose combined values are unique is also a key

Querying Relational Databases

  • Steps
    1. Design schema; create using DDL
    2. “Bulk load” initial data
    3. Execute queries and modifications to the database

  • Ad-hoc queries in high-level languages
    • Ad-hoc: “Can pose queries that you didn’t think of in advance, so you don’t need to write programs for each query beforehand.”
    • High-level: “You can write in a fairly compact fashion rather complicated queries and you don’t have to write the algorithms that get the data out of the database.”

  • Some queries are easy to pose, some are harder.
  • Some queries are easy to execute efficiently, some are harder.
  • Not correlated. (Some easy to pose queries are hard to execute efficiently, and vice versa)

  • Queries return relations
    • Closed: Getting back the same type of object that you query
    • Compositionality: When you can run a query over the result of a previous query

Query in English: IDs of students with GPA > 3.7 applying to Stanford. How do we translate this into the different query languages?

  • Query Languages:
    • Relational Algebra: Formal
      \project_{Student.ID} (
        \select_{GPA>3.7 and cName='Stanford'}
        \join Apply))
    • SQL: Actual/Implemented
      SELECT Student.ID
      FROM Student, Apply
      WHERE Student.ID=Apply.ID
        AND GPA>3.7 
        AND college='Stanford'

My thoughts

Not much to say, except that I’m excited to dig into databases!